Original Piuma 2021

Original Piuma 2021

Given the growing interest in minimal ultralights, in 2021 the drawings of the Original Piuma, the Construction Manual and the Project Book were improved with new photos, all now available in English language.

The Original Piuma is the simplest and lightest of the Piuma; with an empty weight of 145 kg it is very close to the 120 kg weight expected for minimal ULMs and with the latest generation light single-cylinder engines or an electric motor and limited batteries it could fall into this category.

The Plans are now made up of 11 detailed drawings with dimensions 100 x 60 cm or greater, from the Construction Book (40 pages with 80 photos and many diagrams and drawings, including the one to build the mechanism that allows you to remove the wings and fold them parallel to the fuselage without removing them from the aircraft, as well as the drawings for the steerable nose wheel) and from the Project Book, including the User Book.

A DVD with 3800 photos of the construction phases of the various Piuma with many photos of the completed and flying Piuma and some videos in flight is provided as a very useful aid to builders.
